tarka classes
A study of tarka – particularly navya nyaya – gives us the vocabulary which is used extensively in the discussion of all shastras. The basic requirement is a study of the tarka sangraha along with one of the commentaries (usually the dipika or nyaya bodhini). Students are expected to memorize the mula text as well as the lakshanas.
tarka pravesha (paribhasha)
One reason for the study of tarka shastra is to learn navya nyaya terminology. This is widely used in vedanta study. The following classes focus narrowly on basic paribhashas.
tarka pravesha
paribhashika padartha
tarka sangraha (mulam)
The tikas presuppose a basic understanding of the content of the tarka sangraha. Understanding it's structure and approach, as well a basic understanding of it's main teachings will be helpful in reading any of the tikas.