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Oct 1, 2019 - Tenali Vedanta Syllabus

The “Veda Vedanta Shastra Sabha” (aka Tenali exams) have been in the news recently. A friend provided the 14 bi-annual semester syllabus for vedanta.

  1. tarka sangraha dipika
  2. muktavali
  3. nyaya prakasha, vedanta paribhasha
  4. siddhanta lesha sangraha
  5. ishadi panchopanishadah sabhAshya
  6. mandukya, taittiriya, aitareya sabhAshya
  7. chandogya ch 6, brihadaranyaka ch 3
  8. gita bhashya
  9. sutra bhashya (tarka pAdAnta)
  10. sutra bhashya (viyat pAda prabhRti)
  11. advaita siddhi 1st pariccheda
  12. laghu chandrika upAdi vAdAnta
  13. bhamati - chatussutri, vivarana prameya sangraha
  14. khandana khanda khadya 1st pariccheda

The syllabus for vyakarana is:

  1. tarka sangraha dipika
  2. muktavali
  3. siddhanta kaumudi
  4. siddhanta kaumudi
  5. siddhanta kaumudi
  6. siddhanta kaumudi
  7. paribhashendu shekhara
  8. praudhamanorama, shabdaratna (avyayi bhAvantam)
  9. praudhamanorama, shabdaratna (avyayi bhAvantam)
  10. laghu shabdendu shekhara (avyayi bhAvantam)
  11. laghu shabdendu shekhara (avyayi bhAvantam)
  12. mahabhashya (9 ahnikas)
  13. mahabhashya (9 ahnikas)
  14. laghu manusha - subartha vichara, bhushana sara

Feb 8, 2017 - Kailas Ashram Brahmavidya Peeth

The Kailas Ashram is a traditional advaita institution that teaches the fundamental works of advaita vedanta in a traditional way, and has a record of scholarship.

  • [link] Main website of the matha / ashrama, including many publications
  • [link] Website containing various books published by the publishing wing of the matha
  • [link] Website containing various lectures by Swami Maheshananda
  • [link] Various complete teachings by Swami Maheshananda and Swami Shantidharmananda

Here is a post about the Ashram, cached below.

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Feb 6, 2017 - ānandagiri

nobody knows the mind of śaṁkara better than ānandagiri

I’ve come across the sentiment above in various forums, but hadn’t observed it first hand … until now.

After observing the level of scholarship displayed by some scholars who studied in the Kailash Ashrama, I looked at their methodology.

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